The Digital Wages resource hub aims to centralize and share the different tools that have been developed to help companies and organizations integrate wage digitization in a way that considers the needs of female workers. These resources draw on learning from wage digitization programs, however, are relevant and can be used by any digitization of payments initiative. For further information, please contact us.
List of Resources
Content Type

HERfinance Posters

Expanding Financial Inclusion in Vietnam: Impact on Business and Workers

Advancing Digital Financial Inclusion for Garment Workers in Vietnam

Responsible Digital Wages: An Industry Stakeholder Approach to Supporting Female Workers to Access, Use and Benefit from Payroll Accounts

The Potential Gains of Digitizing Garment Sector Wages in Cambodia

Wage Digitization in Egypt’s Garment Sector: Impact for Business, and for Female and Male Workers at Lotus Garments Group

Within Reach How Digital Wages That Work for Women Can Support Bangladesh’s Economic Future

Garment Sector Wage Digitization: Practical Guides

Advancing Digital Financial Inclusion for Garment Workers in India Impact for Women and Business
HERfinance Audio Files

HERfinance Digital Wages Videos and Animations
HERfinance Digital Wages videos and animation, developed with QuizRR, are part of HERfinance Digital Wages Tech Learning Tool. All films and animations are directly available on our HERproject YouTube channel, and give engaging guidance and information for workers around financial services and improving financial health. They follow HERfinance Digital Wages curriculum, and can be used during training, or shown on their own—such as in factory canteens.

Impact Story
HERfinance Digital Wages: Small Investment, Big Impact

HERfinance Digital Wages Tech Learning Tool for Workers
HERfinance Digital Wages Tech Learning Tool, developed by HERproject and Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, in collaboration with QuizRR, uses engaging films, quizzes, and animations to support workers to increase their financial health and benefit from digital wages. The tool also increases workers' digital literacy and confidence to use technology, especially for women.
Access to training materials like this requires an account for funder-reporting purposes. Please create an account or, if you have one already, please login.

HERfinance Digital Wages Toolkit for Managers
BSR's HERproject and Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth have developed a technology learning tool to support garment factories with the transition from cash to digital wages. Based on HERfinance Digital Wages program developed in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the tech learning tool uses engaging films, quizzes and animations to support workers to increase their financial health and benefit from digital wages. The tech learning tool also increases workers digital literacy and confidence to use technology, especially for women. Available in English, Bangla, Khmer, Simplified Chinese, and Arabic.

Garment Workers’ Financial Behaviors during the COVID-19 Crisis: Lessons Learned from Factories in Bangladesh, Egypt, and India

Utilizing Technology to Increase Women’s Financial Capability and Ensure Gender-Inclusive Digital Finance in the Global Supply Chain

Blog | Report
Digital Wages Positive Impact for Women and Business

A Phone Can Only Do So Much: Why Mobile Access Isn’t Leading To Digital Financial Service Usage Among Women in India

Scaling the Impact of Digital Financial Services: The Opportunity and Imperative during COVID-19

Digitizing for Inclusion: Insights from Wage Digitization in the Garment Sector

Building Financial Resilience of Low-Income Groups for Emergency Preparedness: Experiences from HERfinance India

Rapid Wage Digitization in Bangladesh: Implications for Women in the Era of COVID-19

HERfinance Wage Digitization in Bangladesh: Applying a Gender Lens

Financial Behavior of Female Garment Workers in India

How Technology Can Take Financial Inclusion Training Further and Deeper
Impact Story
Merina Akter

Impact Story
Abdul Kalam Azad

Financial Needs of Garment Workers in India